Talent is a scarce resource, it comes at a premium and organisations are pulling out the stops to attract it. So what are you doing to attract talent? What reasons are you giving people to work for you rather than someone else?
Like the sporting elite, the best want to play and train with the best, this is how the achieve their potential. Similarly talented people with a desire to succeed will not simply seek ‘a job’, they will however seek out the right job, with the right people who can help them to achieve their personal aspirations. To stand out from the competition and to attract and retain talented people many organisations are putting time and effort into the creation of an
Employee Value Proposition (EVP).
‘’leaders of companies that go from good to great start not with ‘’where’’ but with ‘’who’’. They start by getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats’’ Jim Collins.
Developing your Employee Value Proposition
As with your Customer Value Proposition an EVP must be unique, reflect your values and purpose, and engage and enthuse people. Just as a businesses value proposition helps to convince customers to buy from you, the employee value proposition helps to crystallise why working for your organisation will help talented people to achieve their aspirations, like a magnet, it will help tpo draw together people who share the same values and strive for similar aspirations (helping to form a focused and aligned culture).
Although this may seem like an obvious statement, the EVP needs to be delivered. Like customers, employees will expect promises to be upheld, if they aren’t then they will become dissatisfied and disengaged and will vote with their feet and leave!
Top tips for developing your Employee Value Proposition:
Leap the Crowd support the transformation of public sector organisations and agencies through the creation of more commercial and entrepreneurial cultures. If you want to know more about how we can help your organisation to attract the best talent and adopt a more commercial approach, then please drop us a line!
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