26 September 2021
It’s accepted that success is attributed to 5% strategy and 95% execution and that ‘madness’ is expecting different results from doing the same things, yet both principles are frequently ignored during the strategy development process. Compelling visions and stretching goal are created and talked about with great conviction yet the resources and strategies required to deliver rarely emerge. Why? Because developing ideas that are genuinely different is blooming hard! Most ideas, although presented in different ways, are mere evolutions of what’s gone before, they expect different results from doing the same things - they are madness! Because it's hard and because people feel the pressure to act, they accept mediocre ideas (that deep down they don’t have faith in). They fail to understand the problems that they are trying to address, they focus on the effects rather than the underlying causes and attempt to fix problems that people don’t care that much about. Leap the Crowd help our clients to dig deep and unearth disruptive propositions that deliver Leaps in Thinking and Leaps in Performance. We will not settle for mediocre, we will always surpass the benchmark in what we deliver and the way we deliver it. #innovation #strategy #performance leapthecrowd.co.uk